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Jornada de cirugia reconstructiva


SECPRE is the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. A one-day meeting in reconstructive surgery was held at the University Hospital Bellvitge in Barcelona. Residents in Plastic Surgery attended the meeting and Dr Filip Stillaert presented the latest techniques in breast reconstruction. Topics included the lumbar artery perforator flap in breast reconstruction and the hybrid breast reconstructive approach. He also presented techniques in case of failed breast reconstructions and what to do.

Meer informatie over lipofilling

Wenst u meer informatie omtrent de lipofilling techniek en de toepassing ervan in borstvergroting, borstreconstructie of andere plastische ingrepen gelieve ons te contacteren.

Dr. Filip Stillaert & Prof. Dr. Koenraad Van Landuyt

Plastisch en Reconstructief Chirurgen

Specialisten in lipofilling en borstchirurgie

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